Short Codes

 1- Greater number among three:

👉👉     Greater number among three


2- Check Whether Number is positive or negative 

👉👉        Negative Or Positive


3- LCM Of two numbers:

LCM: Least common multiple , its a number which is closer to certain with having quality of being least common multiple for certain numbers.

E.g LCM of 2 and 6 is 6, The common factors of 2,6 also include 12 but least one is 6.

👉👉 LCM


4- HCF Of Two numbers:

HCF= The highest common factors of each member of group.

👉👉 HCF


My name is Abdul Rehman I am from Pakistan. I am doing BS in Computer and information sciences. Currently, I am creating these blogs to help students of computer sciences all over the world..


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