Intelligence of a person
TASK: According to a study, the approximate level of intelligence of a person can be calculated using the following formula: i=…
TASK: According to a study, the approximate level of intelligence of a person can be calculated using the following formula: i=…
TASK- ATM Machine Develop a C-Code with full use of functions for the implementation of ATM machine with the following featur…
Escape sequence in C: The escape sequence in the C language is the sequence of the letters that do not stand out when used with…
Data Types : It's a particular information a compiler or interpreter use to know how the programmer aim to use the data. In…
TASK- Write a C program to find greatest number in a matrix. STEPS: Declare an 2D array(Matrix) either of user's entered s…
TASK- Write a C program to print all Unique numbers in an array (the size of array (number of elements in array) should be tak…
TASK- Write a C program to Subtract Two Matrix. STEPS TO BE TAKEN: 1) Matrix is a type of array. 2) Array can have multiple d…
TASK- Write a C Program to ADD two Matrices. STEPS TO BE TAKEN: 1) Matrix is a type of array. 2) Array can have multiple dimen…
TASK- Write a C program to print following pyramid!!! Note : We are not going to specify the size of pattern!!! CODE: #includ…
TASK- Write a C program for Taylor series of sin(x). FOR TAYLOR SERIES OF COS(X) --> COS(X) TAYLOR SERIES STEPS TO BE TAKEN…
TASK- Write a C program that take input from user and get the largest element of an array using the function. STEPS TO BE TAKEN…
TASK- Write a program in C to merge two arrays of same size sorted in descending order... We have to Arrange these to arrays in …
TASK- Write a C program to find the Transpose of a matrix. Let A = which has order 3x3 we need to find transpose of a whic…
TASK- Write a function that returns the greater of the two numbers i.e. make a function that takes two integer arguments and re…
TASK- Write a C program to find prime numbers in a range and their sum!! CODE: #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int num,i,j…
TASK- Write a function pow() which takes two integer parameters a and n and returns nth power of a, write a program to use thi…
Task- Write a C Program to add two matrix using pointers. 1 3 6 2 4 …
TASK- Write a program to calculate the total cost of the vehicle by adding basic cost with (i) excise duty (15%) (ii) sales t…
TASK- Write a C program to Generate following pattern: \n is used to shift to new line : see the code: Crack for pattern: 1st …
What is a pointer in C programming language: It is the same as pointing something it's basically a pointer that points to t…