Write a c program to find the area of circle Using Functions


Write a c program to find the area of circle with formula as below 

 Area of the Circle = Ï€r2

In which declare π as a global variable, and make a function of area_of_cirlce and pass the value of r to the function and print.


void area_of_circle(float r);

float p=3.14;  //value of pie is declared as globle variable

int main(){
float rad;

printf("Enter the radius of circle: ");

area_of_circle(rad); //calling the function

return 0;

void area_of_circle(float r)
float area;
area=(p)*r*r;    //Formula of area of circle
printf("\n\n The area_of_circle with %0.2f radius is %0.2f",r,area);

Expected Output:


My name is Abdul Rehman I am from Pakistan. I am doing BS in Computer and information sciences. Currently, I am creating these blogs to help students of computer sciences all over the world..

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